fredag 14. november 2014

Task 2 p.178

The method Malin used was number 7: Influence the authorities.
Malin was one of several more amnesty activists who sent letters to Ethiopian authorities; they wanted to release an Ethiopian woman. The Ethiopian authorities didn't like that, and she was thrown into prison.

Amnesty International works both local and globally. They use Social Media (method Nr.2), They make petitions (method Nr.5), and method Nr.7 (influence the authorities).

onsdag 12. november 2014

Task 8 p.169

  • The global free market consumer economy was pioneered by the United States and the United Kingdom.
  • Production, trade and investment has decreased.
  • Poverty and unemployment has increased. 
  • New Great Depression. 
  • Many today are pointing the finger of blame back to the 1980s. 
  • Leveraging – Using borrowed capital for (an investment), assuming the profits made to be greater.
  • Derivatives and the Sub-prime mortgage market.
  • For more than 30 years the rich have gotten richer, and the poor have gotten poorer. 

TASK 3 p.159

Personally Im not sure which of the methods who is most effective; especially since we are in the 21st century. John wants to change the world through the force of examples, while Jenny wants to change it through protest. Jenny is an activist in Occupy Wall Street and I agree with Jenny in a manner. I think she had some good points; she mentioned that in America, over 40 million people are sinking into poverty, as a result of the downturn in the economics. 40 million people!? That's 35 million people more than the total population of Norway.., sick. So what Jenny is trying to say is that, protest is the only solution to truly and quickly end the way it is today; make the government realize what they are doing to the people by making A LOT of noise
(protest). Jenny also said that, the most important changes in American history had been achieved by people making a lot of noise. Like for example; the fight against slavery, the fight for women's right and the civil rights movements. This is some of the reasons for why I think protest might be the solution. However, protest usually ends in chaos and violence...

TASK 4 p.156-157

The global economic recession gradually started to disappear
for roughly 4 years ago, according to the experts. The increase of profits, industrial production and of course economy started to improve for many countries. But there are still some speculations about if the global economic recession will become worse through the years.


  • The most unemployed people live in Developed Economies and     European Union (43547 thousands)
  • The youth unemployment is highest in North-Africa. With a total unemployment of 7786 thousand people, the youth unemployment rate is 27.1 %. 
  • The most of the working poor live in South-Asia. 67.3% of the   total employed is working poor.
  • North Africa have both high youth unemployment and large number of working poor. The youth unemployment rate is about 27.1% and the number of working poor is almost the same 27.2%. 

What we did on Wednesday the 5th of November

Last week we had a “subject day”, which means we only have one subject the whole day; in our case, this was International English. We started the English subject day with some information about what we were going to do. We got one task, we were going to make oral presentations about local companies. We were divided into groups of three. When we were finished with all the presentations we had a lunch break. Then we watched a movie called “The Wolf Of Wall Street”. The movie lasted for exactly 3 hours; and I was sitting on a plastic chair the entire time, while my classmates had this soft, leathery, comfy chair.. After all, the day was fine, and I enjoyed the movie. 

søndag 2. november 2014



The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. The goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business.


We are the 99% is a political slogan widely used by the Occupy
movement. The "99%" are paying the price for the mistakes of a tiny minority within the upper class. It was originally the name of a Tumblr blog page launched in late August 2011.


IMF works to foster global growth and economic stability. It provides policy advice and financing to members in economic difficulties and works with developing nations to help them achieve macroeconomic stability and reduce poverty. The IMF has 188 member countries.

The World Bank:The World Bank is a United Nations international financial institution that provides loans to developing countries for capital programs. The World Bank's official goal is the reduction of poverty.

The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization to promote international co-operation. The organization was created following the Second World War to prevent another such conflict. The UN was established on 24 October 1945.

Great Recession:

Great Recession is a term used to describe the general economic decline observed in world markets around the end of the first decade of the 21st century.

Occupy Wall Street:

Occupy Wall Street (OWS) is the name given to a protest movement that began on September 17, 2011, in Zuccotti Park, located in New York City's Wall Street financial district, receiving global attention and spawning the Occupy movement against social and economic inequality worldwide.

Globalization is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas and other aspects of culture.


A non-governmental organization (NGO) is the term commonly used for an organization that is neither a part of a government nor a conventional for-profit business. Usually set up by ordinary citizens, NGOs may be funded by governments, foundations, businesses, or private persons.

onsdag 29. oktober 2014

What we did last lesson

In our last lesson we read two poems. We read “Global Village by Yusuf M. Adamu”, and “The Right Word by Imtiaz Dharker”. We also analysed both poems for characteristics, and we made one of the poems into a play.