onsdag 12. november 2014

TASK 4 p.156-157

The global economic recession gradually started to disappear
for roughly 4 years ago, according to the experts. The increase of profits, industrial production and of course economy started to improve for many countries. But there are still some speculations about if the global economic recession will become worse through the years.


  • The most unemployed people live in Developed Economies and     European Union (43547 thousands)
  • The youth unemployment is highest in North-Africa. With a total unemployment of 7786 thousand people, the youth unemployment rate is 27.1 %. 
  • The most of the working poor live in South-Asia. 67.3% of the   total employed is working poor.
  • North Africa have both high youth unemployment and large number of working poor. The youth unemployment rate is about 27.1% and the number of working poor is almost the same 27.2%. 

1 kommentar:

  1. Great, but here it is crucial that you give yuor sources, just add a link!
